Salmon & Seatrout

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Mustad Salmon Single Hooks

Universal salmon single hook. With it's beautiful design this is the ideal hook for dressing fantastic looking salmon single flies. Salmon single, 3X long, up eyed, forged, black Pack of 25

Price: £9.95 (Including VAT at 20%)


Mustad Salmon Single Hooks

Mustad Salmon Tube Hooks

A super strong salmon tube treble . From summer grisle to huge forty pound plus salmon, with this hooks' 4x strong wire you can have complete confidence that this hook is not going to let you down. Salmon tube treble, 2X short, 4X heavy, oblong eyed, forged, black nickel. Pack of 10

Price: £9.95 (Including VAT at 20%)


Mustad Salmon Tube Hooks