Fly Fishing Kits

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Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfits

Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfits
These Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfits feature 4 piece composite blanks, perfectly matched with Cortland's preloaded graphite matrix composite reel. The strong, lightweight rod is fitted with a hook keeper.
The reel has a solid drag system and a quick release spool button.
The kits are preloaded with 65 feet of WF floating fly line and 150 feet of backing.
Perfect for the beginner fly fisher or as that extra combo you might pack for a spare.
- 8ft 5/6wt Ideal for trout streams or for youngsters satring on stillwater
- 8ft 8/9wt Very heavy flies
- 9ft 8/9wt Excellent for large stillwaters and for casting pike flies.

Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfit: 8ft 5/6wt
Price: £95.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfit: 8ft 8/9wt
Price: £95.99 (Including VAT at 20%)

Cortland Fairplay Fly Fishing Outfit: 9ft 9/10wt
Price: £126.99 (Including VAT at 20%)


Cortland Fairplay PRO 9 FT4/5wt Fly Fishing Outfit

Cortland Fairplay PRO 9 FT4/5wt Fly Fishing Outfit
Cortland's Fairplay PRO 9 FT fly fishing outfit features a graphite composite rod blank perfectly matched with a graphite matrix composite reel. The rod is fitted with an aluminum reel seat and a premium cork handle. The reel has a solid drag system and quick release spool button.
The kit is preloaded with a high quality 90 foot floating fly line and 150 feet of backing.
This 4/5 WT outfit is ideal for Trout and Grayling, both in rivers and streams as well as small stillwaters.

Price: £143.99 (Including VAT at 20%)
